Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I am like Mephibosheth.

One day King David decided to honor his best friend Jonathon by showing kindness to someone in his family. To do that, he sent out for a man named Mephibosheth (Jonathon´s son). When Mephibosheth was brought to the throne of David, David realized that he was crippled in both his feet. And despite his very visible flaw, he is still told that his land will be restored to him and that he will always have a place at the table of David.

As I´m writing this, my feet are battered and bruised. The air here is so dry that my feet are at the beginning stages of cracking, while playig volleyball with the CED students in Chacos (bad idea) I slid (purposefully) on the concrete (making it another bad idea) and sliced ope the tops of both of my feet, and while playing soccer with the kids from the prison I managed to cause my big toe to swell and bruise pretty badly... I feel physically crippled in both of my feet.

But, God has brought me to His table to eat with him. He calls me despite my lameness (not just physically, but spiritually). And He does that not only because He is abundant in love, but because of who my Father is. That´s cool...

Is. 52:7- ¨How beautiful on the (Andes) mountains are the feet of those who bring the good news...¨

This week was FANTASTIC with the chilren from the jail. The first day was a little rocky with them (because they´re kids... and it was their first day of camp), but after that we were respected as their ¨tias.¨ We are forming good relationships with the children there and the adults who supervise/teach them. I´m learning so much from them, and I think they´re learning, at least a little, from me. Thanks for your prayers!

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

  1. "Carried to the table, seated where I don't belong"

