Tuesday, June 8, 2010


When I left behind my family and friends and comforts and food (:)), I didn't really understand what that meant until I got to Atlanta and I realized that I wasn't going to be able to call my mom or Skype my friends or hug one of the kids at the park. And when I came to that realization I wish I could say that I immediately relinquished my control of those things. I wish I could say that I said "Lord, I choose youabove my comforts and my family." However, I just really did not do that. So, I've struggled the past few days with leaving those things behind until yesterday morning God spoke to me and told me two pretty significant things: 1) I can't find my identity and comfort in other people--only in Him and 2) if I surrender thoise things over to Him He will do exceedingly abundant things in my life, in my relationships with my teammates, and in the lives of the people of Bolivia. So today I am leaving from Atlanta for Bolivia believing that God is going to provide for us and the nation of Bolivia in part because of that surrender.
Please pray for me as I stuggle through that--that I would be more willing to surrender.

*Sidenote: I'm going to be updating once/week and so is my team!!! There is a team blog that you can read at bolivia.adventures.com. And, pictures are to come. :-)

I love you guys!
Grace and peace,


  1. Margaret this is wonderful! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your adventures! Praying for you everyday!

  2. You're doing better than me already! Still working on surrendering some of the things I had come to take for granted back home. But God provides, and He is good. Thanks for helping me learn this. I'm praying for you!

  3. So, right now I'm reading my favorite book, Isaiah. And about 8 days ago I read what has now become my favorite verse.

    For you shall not go out with haste,
    Nor go by flight;
    For the LORD will go before you,
    And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.
    Isaiah 52:12

    What I like about this verse is the comfort that it offers. Isaiah is directly addressing the flighty and quick, but it can also apply to the hesitant.
    To me, someone who is very hesitant about going overseas it is God saying, "Don't fear Katherine, not only do I go before you to prepare the hearts of those you will encounter and your safety, but I'm also right behind you sweeping up your messes and helping the seed that you planted to grow."
    So, that's my soap box for the day.
    You and I can be weenies together or we can be hotdogs!
    We should be hotdogs! I love you and miss you!
