Saturday, June 19, 2010

God is Love.

In Luke 19 the Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke his disciples for praising God loudly for the miracles he had done and Jesus responded, Ïf they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.¨ God will be praised regardless of whether I do it or not, but I really am glad to be praising Him right now. The ¨theme¨ of this trip is ¨The easiest thing to do is nothing.¨ And, that´s what I´ve been learning this week.
This week a woman asked that 4 members of out team would go with her to the women´s prison here in Cochabamba. After praying about it I was given a word to speak to them, but I kind of ignored it... Until two others from my team came to me and told me that God had told them that I was to give the same message. So, I went... Here is part my journal entry from that day:

¨We went to the prison. Everyone that spoke spoke with authority and we embodied our ¨Team verse¨ Joshua 1:9: ¨Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with youwherever you go.¨ And when we did that, women from every background gathered to hear the Word. The Holy Spirit came and spoke through our mouths about His love and desire to reconcile us to Himself. Women were brought to tears.

At the end of out time there, a Bolivian woman named Anna came to me and spoke blessing into my life and prayed over me. In a time where I wasn´t necessarily sure if I had made the right decision to come to Bolivia, her sweet, Spanish words were exactly what I needed to hear.¨

God is doing absolutely incredible things in Bolivia--in and through me. I can honestly say now that by the grace of God today I am confident that He has brought me here for a purpose.

Grace and peace,

*I got a haircut... In our kitchen. It was completely and totally necessary.
*I haven´t eaten guinea pig... YET.
*Thank you for your prayers. My spirit was really lifted this week and in large part because of your intercession on my behalf. I love you all and miss you.


  1. Margaret, this is wonderful. I'm so excited for you. Praying for you every day! Much love

  2. Precious Darling Angel Child, I am so proud of you
    and thank God every day for you and your family. I
    especially thank HIM for your Godly spirit and your
    desire to do all things through and because of your
    love for your Saviour. I pray for you many times
    every day and night. Know that you are covered with God's spirit spread across you like a blanket.
    You are a blessing even while you are being blessed
    I love you and have so much confidence in your life
    direction. Love, MIMI

  3. Wow, God's SO awesome!! And He's definitely got you there for a reason! :) So excited for you! Praying for ya'll :) Miss you!

  4. WOW! That's AWESOME!
    I think that it is really cool that God uses the most ordinary of people to bless our lives. I'm praying for you, and I seriously miss you. Yesterday, I had nothing to do and I was like "I'm going to go visit Margaret at work!" Apparently, if you are in Bolivia, you can't be here too. Oh well. Haha!
    Well once again, praying for you daily, missing you, loving you!


    PS!!! I'm leaving to meet my Uganda team in 8 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
